After having this article Supernatural: The Prophets vs The Winchester Brothers posted on NehandaRadio site I received an avalanche of comments as I expected.
This has been the norm whenever some one questions a prophet like Makandiwa, Angel, Magaya or TB Joshua, there is always a gang of trolls, I have to call them that because of their behaviour online. I am convinced that if any of the above mentioned prophets gave an order to these congregants to physically attack people who question them they would gladly do it.
Such is the nature of the fanatical supporters of the new age prophets. The way they get so angry at any scrutiny and yet the word of God teaches that believers should not just take any teachings at face value regardless of who the words are coming from. Below is a response to the comments on the article.
Thank you all for your comments. I want to let you all know that I don’t take any offence at the critique you have done or any seemingly harsh words and name calling you may have used. That is to be expected once you bring your opinions to the public domain such is this. You become fair game.
My Response
I will summarise my idea behind this article and then respond to some of the comments.
What I would like to know from you guys is how many have actually watched the series. To make an objective comparison and argue that the comparison I made is not valid.
Basically what I am saying with this comparison is that there really is no difference between the mentioned Supernatural TV series and what the two prophets are doing. The things I have said about the prophets are things that they themselves have claimed live on TV. I don’t know them personally hence I didn’t comment on their characters.
But I merely focussed on what is evident in various videos across the internet. And both are just a show. When I watch Supernatural I know this is not real and I am sometimes not impressed with some of the special effects and the acting. This is exactly how I feel when I watch some of these services, eg Miracle Weight Loss or Miracle Money for that matter. The act is just not convincing and the recipients of these miracles, their acting leaves a lot to be desired.
Distract, entertain and make a living.
The main aim of the two groups I have compared is to distract, entertain and make a living. Supernatural using very loose interpretation of the bible and special visual effects, and the prophets also using loose interpretations and extra biblical references which no one will question because they are ‘prophets’. Unfortunately what the prophets are doing has a dire eternal consequence because they are leading people astray through false teaching, manipulation and deceit.
And I ended the comparison with the followers who have allowed this to reach such proportions. Never questioning anything, most likely out of fear. The same way you are trying to scare me and any other person who tries to ‘test the spirits’.
@Martin M I commend you for searching the scriptures. And I don’t question some of the examples you have stated from the Bible, 
The fact that similarities can be drawn between works of darkness and what these men are doing should make you question what is going on.
I won’t go into detail with your comment because it hinges on two basic precepts.
1. Dispensations
The teachings of our modern day prophets do not recognise dispensations in Gods dealings with man. They will mix and match doctrines that suit their fancy and apply them to the kingdom.
2. Context
Taking a section of a verse or a chapter and creating a teaching from it while ignoring the context under which that verse exists. One classic example is “Touch not the Lords anointed”. It certainly does not mean men of God are above reproach. Paul who was a man of God commended the Bereans because after hearing Paul, they still went to search the scriptures themselves to see if what Paul was saying was true.
All those who have been baptised are anointed, if anything these prophets are the ones who are to fear God and not treat his anointed children as their own subjects.
The spiritual fatherhood I questioned is the type masqueraded by the prophets and the spiritual father himself. Paul despite quoting this would not accept any extra reverence shown toward him over the other brethren. But we see people kneeling down before these men yelling ‘papa, papa’ and the prophets basking in their glory as ‘spiritual fathers’ accept such without rebuking them.
I have often wondered how so many people are so easily misled and believe these prophets. But what I have seen is stated in the two following verses;
II Thessalonians 2:10-12: And with all delusion of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
II Timothy 4:2: Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables.
And Lastly
II Peter 2:1: But there arose false prophets also among the people, as among you also there shall be false teachers, who shall privily bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
But this will come to pass like all fads. Few years ago we had Pastor Chris, Then came TB Joshua with peeps trecking to Nigeria to see the Prophet. So now the spot light is on Makandiwa and Angel. And when they give way to a more powerful, more charismatic prophet vana veminana will flock there like reeds in the wind for their new ‘spiritual fix’.
Ngatitsvakei Mwari and stop following personalities.
Read the comments to the article here