Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeReligionWhat is prayer?

What is prayer?

Prayer is generally seen as communication with God. However, today I want you to see prayer from another dimension.  Prayer is a journey of fulfilling hunger to feel God’s presence and to bask in an intimacy with the divine.

It is man’s ultimate quest for intimacy with an immortal, universally existent, all-knowing, and all powerful God.

To add, it is thinking God’s thoughts, desiring God’s desires, loving what God loves, willing the things that God wills, seeing what God sees and doing what God does. Prayer is also the pathway to becoming like Christ in mind and accepting an invitation from the Father to come home and share one’s deepest thoughts, one’s most felt needs, and our concerns together with the concerns of others. One thing for sure about prayer is that it transforms the relationship with the Father up above and brings one to the august throne room of God.

Effective Prayer

To be effective in prayer we need to take cognisance of these facts:
Prayer can be taught and learned- in Luke 11:1 the apostles asked the Lord to teach them how to pray. So we must learn how to pray. Listen to the Teacher stressing the attention to;
1. Motives – give glory to God,
2. Conduct – do not put self on display with loud voice and much speaking,
3. Form – be simple, brief, and comprehensive
4. Content of prayer – reverence, dependence, thankfulness, purpose
Matt 6:5-15. We need to learn prayer from prayer warriors in the Bible, learn from Elijah, the parable of the widow (Luke 18), Jesus’ 40 days of prayer just to mention but a few.

Finally read these scriptures about prayer:
Psa 32:6, Philp 4:6, Rom 8:25, James 4:2-3, 1 Thess 5:17.

May you find favour in the eyes of our most able God who made you to wake up and enjoy the blessings of the day. I pray that we make prayer our daily bread segmented into a minimum of three meals per day. Don’t be selfish pray for others as well.



  1. this was well written, prayer is very important part of our make up as humans!! as Christians and believers prayer is a necessity….well written

  2. this was well written, prayer is very important part of our make up as humans!! as Christians and believers prayer is a necessity….well written

  3. this was well written, prayer is very important part of our make up as humans!! as Christians and believers prayer is a necessity….well written

  4. this was well written, prayer is very important part of our make up as humans!! as Christians and believers prayer is a necessity….well written


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