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HomeList20 Quotes from the Prophetess Beverly Angel

20 Quotes from the Prophetess Beverly Angel

After watching Miracle Money by Prophet Eurbert Angel  I had intended to do a full exposé on the teaching that is in that video that is clearly not from the Bible, but the whole video is almost four hours long and I just got weary listening to it and seeing it. This was my first time to hear him speak at length after I had just heard about him. I watched most of the 3hrs 41mins of the sermon until I couldn’t bear it anymore.

So this is what religious Zimbabwe was raving about, impressed by the forensic prophecy and charismatic preaching and wonders? These very people a few years ago were raving about Pastor Chris. Like reeds blown in the wind tomorrow they will be looking for their next fix.

Here are a few quotes from the first 2 minutes of that video. The rest all 3hrs 41mins is just like it, no real biblical substance.

“We don’t write the budget down we write the vision down, so that he who sees it may run”
“Whatever word you speak is a thing its a substance”
” I wish I was somewhere else maybe the people there would not be this quiet, silence bores me (inondi bowa!!!) ”
” In the prophetic we work with noise, our spirits they don’t really work well with silence ”
” Prophets are always working with noise”
“Today I might do some small small”
“I am gonna prophecy crazy, CRAZY!” (To loud cheers)
“Prophets are not your usual type, no, we live in a different planet”
“We don’t live where you you can breathe, so we are likened to eagles”
“Par sou ka bra te” (Speaking in tongues…)

About a month ago I came across a video by Prophetess Beverly Angel who is Eurbert Angels wife. She was in Norway for some conference and in this clip she talks about the works and wonders that are happening at their church. In it she makes some bold assertions most of which cannot be verified and are at par with the essence of Christs teachings. All this is said to impress the listeners with what they have done and who they are. Nothing to do with Christ really.

I decided to document quotes from this video and when written down it even sounds more ludicrous. Go through the list and make up your own mind if these are truly men & women of God or Charlatans.

1. “24 people raised from the dead last year”

2. “God performing crazy miracles”

3. “Miracle weight loss, people losing weight instantly, 50 kilos just falling off somebody”

4. “Miracle weight gain for skinnier people”

5. “We have also seen tall people grow shorter, Short people growing taller”

6. “People with serious addictions being saved just like that, addictions disappearing in an instant”

7. “We have seen people who are extremely dark going lighter”

8. “We have seen people with big shoe sizes going smaller, and I am actually one of them, I lost one shoe size”

9. “We have seen Miracle money, just money being declared in a meeting, and people having money in their bags, in their hands, in their bank accounts, and even phone credit, just peoples phones getting money, money, money!”

10. “We have seen gadgets coming to life, refrigerators that had stopped working, five years, ten years, come back to life”

11. “When you look at me I do provoke some demons”

12. “I look good for someone who has four kids clap hands for me!”

13. “Our ministry started in our house and we were seeing angels on a daily basis, we were communing with angels on a daily basis”

14. “There is no anointing I am using of my own, I am submitting under my husband”

15. “The word came to us two years ago to pioneer forensic prophecy in Africa. We call it forensic prophecy because its picking up the very small details in your life, minute details in your life.”

16. “When a ministry is being persecuted that is proof enough that God is at work in that ministry”

17. “We have started record labels taking back the music from the world, back into the kingdom”

18. “May miracles happen right now in your life in the name of Jesus, may you receive the break through that you desire, may you receive everything that you want in the name of Jesus”

19. “If you miss this wave that the Holy Spirit has created right now there is never going to be another wave”

20. “There is something that I am getting right now, I am getting something right now …”

More Charlatanry

Prophetess Beverly Angel – The Barreness Bulldozer
Prophetess Beverly Angel – Forensic Prophecy

Let me know your thoughts about the “wave of the holy spirit” that is sweeping through Zimbabwe, fact or fiction?

Baynham Goredema
Baynham Goredema
Father | Graphic Designer | Print Maker | Social Commentator


  1. Our society ( zimbabwean ) is full of desperation. I feel for the young generation who have to
    Grow up in this environ. The poor people being taken for a ride from all corners politically, economically and socially ( the politicians, the economists and the clergy ) the zimbabwean situation is really sad but with people like you having to question from time to time all of this weird stuff thats going on in our society ,through such articles, there is a sense of hope.

  2. Our society ( zimbabwean ) is full of desperation. I feel for the young generation who have to
    Grow up in this environ. The poor people being taken for a ride from all corners politically, economically and socially ( the politicians, the economists and the clergy ) the zimbabwean situation is really sad but with people like you having to question from time to time all of this weird stuff thats going on in our society ,through such articles, there is a sense of hope.

      • Son Of Major, Thanks for leaving your comment. I guess you say this as you were at all the services and you verified that those who were raised from the dead were certified dead to begin with, and you do not base it on the fact that because Angel or his wife said it and since they are ‘men/women of God’ then it must be true

        • truth is they accept it as fact because the prophet has said it, there is no evidence to date of someone who testified with witnesses that they had died and was raised from the dead. All these people with angel surnames are just blind followers who seek only miracles but don’t test it with the word. Remember we were warned that indeed many, and take note of the many part, will come and perform MIRACLES which even the elect themselves will almost be deceived, meaning they are genuine miracles, but you can only discern with the word, not because “papa” said it. And have you noticed that they dont promote the word in its truth, but twist it to promote their agenda like miracle money and wealth, yet the saviour asks you to give that money away to the poor and follow him, best shown in Acts 2 when his followers sold all their possessions etc. I know they gonna come back and say that was then and we living in the now etc. Rev 18:4 “Come out of her my people..”

  3. Our society ( zimbabwean ) is full of desperation. I feel for the young generation who have to
    Grow up in this environ. The poor people being taken for a ride from all corners politically, economically and socially ( the politicians, the economists and the clergy ) the zimbabwean situation is really sad but with people like you having to question from time to time all of this weird stuff thats going on in our society ,through such articles, there is a sense of hope.

      • Son Of Major, Thanks for leaving your comment. I guess you say this as you were at all the services and you verified that those who were raised from the dead were certified dead to begin with, and you do not base it on the fact that because Angel or his wife said it and since they are ‘men/women of God’ then it must be true

        • truth is they accept it as fact because the prophet has said it, there is no evidence to date of someone who testified with witnesses that they had died and was raised from the dead. All these people with angel surnames are just blind followers who seek only miracles but don’t test it with the word. Remember we were warned that indeed many, and take note of the many part, will come and perform MIRACLES which even the elect themselves will almost be deceived, meaning they are genuine miracles, but you can only discern with the word, not because “papa” said it. And have you noticed that they dont promote the word in its truth, but twist it to promote their agenda like miracle money and wealth, yet the saviour asks you to give that money away to the poor and follow him, best shown in Acts 2 when his followers sold all their possessions etc. I know they gonna come back and say that was then and we living in the now etc. Rev 18:4 “Come out of her my people..”

  4. Our society ( zimbabwean ) is full of desperation. I feel for the young generation who have to
    Grow up in this environ. The poor people being taken for a ride from all corners politically, economically and socially ( the politicians, the economists and the clergy ) the zimbabwean situation is really sad but with people like you having to question from time to time all of this weird stuff thats going on in our society ,through such articles, there is a sense of hope.

      • Son Of Major, Thanks for leaving your comment. I guess you say this as you were at all the services and you verified that those who were raised from the dead were certified dead to begin with, and you do not base it on the fact that because Angel or his wife said it and since they are ‘men/women of God’ then it must be true

        • truth is they accept it as fact because the prophet has said it, there is no evidence to date of someone who testified with witnesses that they had died and was raised from the dead. All these people with angel surnames are just blind followers who seek only miracles but don’t test it with the word. Remember we were warned that indeed many, and take note of the many part, will come and perform MIRACLES which even the elect themselves will almost be deceived, meaning they are genuine miracles, but you can only discern with the word, not because “papa” said it. And have you noticed that they dont promote the word in its truth, but twist it to promote their agenda like miracle money and wealth, yet the saviour asks you to give that money away to the poor and follow him, best shown in Acts 2 when his followers sold all their possessions etc. I know they gonna come back and say that was then and we living in the now etc. Rev 18:4 “Come out of her my people..”

  5. funny enough, on instinct i refused to attend any of their services when they came back from UK. At first i asked myself why tghey came back soon after dollarisation especially when they had found out ther :partber in crime” Emmanuel was minting it after the Zimbabwean economy got dollarised!!!!!!!!!!

  6. funny enough, on instinct i refused to attend any of their services when they came back from UK. At first i asked myself why tghey came back soon after dollarisation especially when they had found out ther :partber in crime” Emmanuel was minting it after the Zimbabwean economy got dollarised!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Prophet Angel and Prophetess Beverly Angel are great man and woman of a god if you have nothing good spot say about them simple suffer in silence. After all it is the duty of small people to talk about big people.

    • Hi Angelica, Firstly I hope you actually read the post and thought about the statements made by the prophetess and reconciled them with the word of God.

      The word of God does not expect us to ‘suffer in silence’ when people are clearly teaching heresy. It is the duty of every christian to test the spirits, and to call out false teachers.

      Take some time to read 2 Peter 2 the whole chapter

      II Timothy 2:17: And their word will eat as does a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; II Timothy 2:18: Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
      This is exactly what our new age prophets are doing, and as Paul did not ‘suffer in silence’, but named those whore were teaching error.

      • Just read ur post about the servants of God, i dont see nothingwrong in their statements, nothing unbliblical or let me say nothing opposed by bible teaching. Please can you point out one thing that is opposed by the bible and quote the verse tht opposes that point out of ur 20 points, please.
        SD, East London, south africa.

        • Hi Deli
          Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. It scares me that you do not see anything ‘unbiblical or opposed by biblical teaching’ in these statements. You can justify almost anything in the bible if you miss one integral aspect of bible study and interpretation which is context. I put it to you Deli, quote the verse that confirms any of these quotes then I will take it from there.

          In the meantime I will give you these verses though which take care of probably half the list;
          II Peter 2:1-3: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious (having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way) ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not.

          1. ” the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” Because of a list like the one above the truth has been spoken evil of, and these ‘prophets’ have no conscience ‘having their conscience seared with a hot iron’.

          2. ” And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you”. Do not covet, but be content. Because of your covetousness – ‘I want to be be short, richer, lighter (in desiring these things you are obviously comparing with someone else) etc’ `– these prophets are making merchandise of you.

      • They are about to be exposed for what they are. I saw things about these 2 first hand a few years back. But their followers are too desperate and blind so in all things of darkness will come to light. We are close now.

        • Were you part of the church or just an observer?

          II Timothy 3:8-9 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
          But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest to all men, as their’s also was.

          • I was going to the church while living with an aunty for a short time. She had become close to a senior pastor & his wife. They would visit the house & that is when I heard all sorts. Even my aunt stopped attending. Funny enough when I first saw him I felt he was a con man within myself. So initially thought I’d got it wrong. My aunt was disappointed & left when she discovered truths. A ministry based on lies, gathering Intel on people, a randy conman who has studied mind techniques/control/ hypnosis, peer pressure of people in large groups, desperate population due to the economic situation, long periods of worship music getting people emotional followed by very little preaching with lots of so called prophecy. Saying to someone its well, its done, its your year to them they get tearful sob etc. No different to modern day magicians & motivational speakers. No talk about sin, righteous living just God wants to make you rich, happy, rich etc. Much emphasis on material wealth. Pushing seeds, partnership fees paid monthly which determine where you sit in the church. The more you pay the closer you sit to the front. Those paying thousands a month get his mobile no to call him anytime. That’s on top of tithes & offerings. Then there are the collections for his n her birthdays. Imagine being bought a new range rover by proceeds? You really couldn’t make it up. I’m surprised they got away with it. There are other methods they used to get Intel on people but I can’t mention here I can email you if you need to know.

          • Very Very Interseting! Thank you very much for that. What you said is prettymuch the modus operandi of the prophets. Its not often that you get former members willing to tell all. Please email me with more info I would love to get a better understanding of how they operated –

  8. Prophet Angel and Prophetess Beverly Angel are great man and woman of a god if you have nothing good spot say about them simple suffer in silence. After all it is the duty of small people to talk about big people.

    • Hi Angelica, Firstly I hope you actually read the post and thought about the statements made by the prophetess and reconciled them with the word of God.

      The word of God does not expect us to ‘suffer in silence’ when people are clearly teaching heresy. It is the duty of every christian to test the spirits, and to call out false teachers.

      Take some time to read 2 Peter 2 the whole chapter

      II Timothy 2:17: And their word will eat as does a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; II Timothy 2:18: Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
      This is exactly what our new age prophets are doing, and as Paul did not ‘suffer in silence’, but named those whore were teaching error.

      • Just read ur post about the servants of God, i dont see nothingwrong in their statements, nothing unbliblical or let me say nothing opposed by bible teaching. Please can you point out one thing that is opposed by the bible and quote the verse tht opposes that point out of ur 20 points, please.
        SD, East London, south africa.

        • Hi Deli
          Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. It scares me that you do not see anything ‘unbiblical or opposed by biblical teaching’ in these statements. You can justify almost anything in the bible if you miss one integral aspect of bible study and interpretation which is context. I put it to you Deli, quote the verse that confirms any of these quotes then I will take it from there.

          In the meantime I will give you these verses though which take care of probably half the list;
          II Peter 2:1-3: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious (having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way) ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not.

          1. ” the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” Because of a list like the one above the truth has been spoken evil of, and these ‘prophets’ have no conscience ‘having their conscience seared with a hot iron’.

          2. ” And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you”. Do not covet, but be content. Because of your covetousness – ‘I want to be be short, richer, lighter (in desiring these things you are obviously comparing with someone else) etc’ `– these prophets are making merchandise of you.

      • They are about to be exposed for what they are. I saw things about these 2 first hand a few years back. But their followers are too desperate and blind so in all things of darkness will come to light. We are close now.

        • Were you part of the church or just an observer?

          II Timothy 3:8-9 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
          But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest to all men, as their’s also was.

          • I was going to the church while living with an aunty for a short time. She had become close to a senior pastor & his wife. They would visit the house & that is when I heard all sorts. Even my aunt stopped attending. Funny enough when I first saw him I felt he was a con man within myself. So initially thought I’d got it wrong. My aunt was disappointed & left when she discovered truths. A ministry based on lies, gathering Intel on people, a randy conman who has studied mind techniques/control/ hypnosis, peer pressure of people in large groups, desperate population due to the economic situation, long periods of worship music getting people emotional followed by very little preaching with lots of so called prophecy. Saying to someone its well, its done, its your year to them they get tearful sob etc. No different to modern day magicians & motivational speakers. No talk about sin, righteous living just God wants to make you rich, happy, rich etc. Much emphasis on material wealth. Pushing seeds, partnership fees paid monthly which determine where you sit in the church. The more you pay the closer you sit to the front. Those paying thousands a month get his mobile no to call him anytime. That’s on top of tithes & offerings. Then there are the collections for his n her birthdays. Imagine being bought a new range rover by proceeds? You really couldn’t make it up. I’m surprised they got away with it. There are other methods they used to get Intel on people but I can’t mention here I can email you if you need to know.

          • Very Very Interseting! Thank you very much for that. What you said is prettymuch the modus operandi of the prophets. Its not often that you get former members willing to tell all. Please email me with more info I would love to get a better understanding of how they operated –

  9. Might I dare ask if you had audience with the very one you have assassinated and dragged naked before the public court of ridicule? Have you considered using your well scribed inventory list of accusations and used them as your personal research to best serve YOU as YOU sat and personally inquired of the One you have assassinate before the public. Your research would be best served if you put forth your DENIED letter of access to personally gain insight into this “newsworthy” display of black on black crime. I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused. Is this possible? You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice: just based on your unexplained fueled hate of this people or perhaps Christians or the display of your deeper child-hood unsettled demons, which you now get to parade through the assassination of another. Show character and true dialog by gaining access to the accused and thereafter bringing your fact-finding before the lynch mob of public ridicule and ill-gotten gain of self promotion of YOU.

    • Hi Omar I am having a hard time understanding everything you have written, but from what I have understood I will say this;

      1. Did I have audience, no I didn’t and based on history I know that wont be forth coming, that is the nature of all the new prophets, they are not accountable to anyone and don’t respond . Their own members in their congregation are not granted an audience with their leaders. Their leaders are not even accountable to their flock. Go to any youtube video by Spirit Embassy (The church founded by Eubert & Beverly Angel) and you will see this statement “Comments are disabled for this video.” By doing this they are saying they can say whatever they like in the name of God and not have anyone question them, why would you think this is the case?

      2. This is not a ‘list of accusations’ as you state but a list of quotations directly from the mouth of Beverly. I put it to you to make your own conclusion “Go through the list and make up your own mind if these are truly men & women of God or Charlatans.”

      3. “I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused.” You clearly have no idea who these people are. You can send them this link and put it to their attention and if they fee they need to refute it and set the record straight especially for the sake of their followers then that would be cool.

      4. “You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice” exactly what they do when they preach heresy on a video and don’t allow comments from people who have realised they were duped, or from discerning readers of the word who will call them out as fakes. Besides this is not a one sided perspective. Take whats on this list and put it up against scripture and see if it stands. The reason we are eve having this discussion is because people just want to be spoon fed and don’t want to make any personal study or enquiry for themselves, yet their lives depend on it.

      II Timothy 2:15: Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  10. Might I dare ask if you had audience with the very one you have assassinated and dragged naked before the public court of ridicule? Have you considered using your well scribed inventory list of accusations and used them as your personal research to best serve YOU as YOU sat and personally inquired of the One you have assassinate before the public. Your research would be best served if you put forth your DENIED letter of access to personally gain insight into this “newsworthy” display of black on black crime. I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused. Is this possible? You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice: just based on your unexplained fueled hate of this people or perhaps Christians or the display of your deeper child-hood unsettled demons, which you now get to parade through the assassination of another. Show character and true dialog by gaining access to the accused and thereafter bringing your fact-finding before the lynch mob of public ridicule and ill-gotten gain of self promotion of YOU.

    • Hi Omar I am having a hard time understanding everything you have written, but from what I have understood I will say this;

      1. Did I have audience, no I didn’t and based on history I know that wont be forth coming, that is the nature of all the new prophets, they are not accountable to anyone and don’t respond . Their own members in their congregation are not granted an audience with their leaders. Their leaders are not even accountable to their flock. Go to any youtube video by Spirit Embassy (The church founded by Eubert & Beverly Angel) and you will see this statement “Comments are disabled for this video.” By doing this they are saying they can say whatever they like in the name of God and not have anyone question them, why would you think this is the case?

      2. This is not a ‘list of accusations’ as you state but a list of quotations directly from the mouth of Beverly. I put it to you to make your own conclusion “Go through the list and make up your own mind if these are truly men & women of God or Charlatans.”

      3. “I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused.” You clearly have no idea who these people are. You can send them this link and put it to their attention and if they fee they need to refute it and set the record straight especially for the sake of their followers then that would be cool.

      4. “You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice” exactly what they do when they preach heresy on a video and don’t allow comments from people who have realised they were duped, or from discerning readers of the word who will call them out as fakes. Besides this is not a one sided perspective. Take whats on this list and put it up against scripture and see if it stands. The reason we are eve having this discussion is because people just want to be spoon fed and don’t want to make any personal study or enquiry for themselves, yet their lives depend on it.

      II Timothy 2:15: Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  11. scary thing is how people are quick to defend them, so cultist. You are right Zimbabweans are like reeds in the wind, there are some amoung us who are not afraid to exploit this tendency to their own benefit be it politicians, so called “people of God” or people from other countries. Kuvata kwacho ndekwemhando yepamusoro soro. You would be suprised what some of us believe in. Media should wake this people up

  12. scary thing is how people are quick to defend them, so cultist. You are right Zimbabweans are like reeds in the wind, there are some amoung us who are not afraid to exploit this tendency to their own benefit be it politicians, so called “people of God” or people from other countries. Kuvata kwacho ndekwemhando yepamusoro soro. You would be suprised what some of us believe in. Media should wake this people up

  13. scary thing is how people are quick to defend them, so cultist. You are right Zimbabweans are like reeds in the wind, there are some amoung us who are not afraid to exploit this tendency to their own benefit be it politicians, so called “people of God” or people from other countries. Kuvata kwacho ndekwemhando yepamusoro soro. You would be suprised what some of us believe in. Media should wake this people up

  14. vanhu ingodzikamai not kutitukira maporofita….dzungu too much nechi newspaper chenyu chakaora. There is no other man of God like Prophet angel. kurai musiye dzungu

  15. vanhu ingodzikamai not kutitukira maporofita….dzungu too much nechi newspaper chenyu chakaora. There is no other man of God like Prophet angel. kurai musiye dzungu

  16. You are not God only God can judge, Christianity is not just about quoting scriptures it’s about God’s power signs and wonders. Even Jesus christ himself was pesecuted by people of the law , stuck in their old ways and old understanding and the wave passed them by. You can never fully understand the ways of the Lord. I am not a member of spirit embassy but i can’t deny God’s manifestation whole watching and hearing about them. Mybe one day God will open your eyes!

    • Princess thanks for dropping by. As for do not judge I have already addressed it here . What Prophetess Bev is doing in not a manifestation of God’s power, and she has fooled many into thinking so, ONLY because many do not have a love for the truth and would rather watch a ‘magic show’ by the prophet/prophetess than read the bible. And thus many peoples faith is shipwrecked because its based on ‘signs & powers’ and not from the word of God. I wish you well in studying the bible.

    • I am not against them only against the falsehoods they preach leading to the shipwrecking of the faith of many. Teaching hocus pocus as the word of God. They will be called out. But we have been given a choice, to either follow them or not. We have also been given a mandate to call out false teachers. No one is immune. What do you think the noble Bereans would have done – when the went to check “to see if what Paul was teaching was true”– if they had found it to be false? They would have called him out.

  17. As Jesus said john 14:11 “believe because of the works themselves”. I feel like all they are saying and proclaiming, and all that they are accomplishing bears good fruit to the Lord. They glorify God! You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit just from watching their videos. As the Lord said we need to look to their fruit. If it bears good fruit then the tree that bears the fruit Must be good also. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Its clear to see that they bear much good fruit for the Kingdom of God.

    • At the end of the day it will never be about how we feel about what they say or proclaim but if it is consistent with the gospel and the scriptures. That’s exactly why we don’t believe them because there are NO works being done here just a deception of smoke and mirrors.

  18. You are not God only God can judge, Christianity is not just about quoting scriptures it’s about God’s power signs and wonders. Even Jesus christ himself was pesecuted by people of the law , stuck in their old ways and old understanding and the wave passed them by. You can never fully understand the ways of the Lord. I am not a member of spirit embassy but i can’t deny God’s manifestation whole watching and hearing about them. Mybe one day God will open your eyes!

    • Princess thanks for dropping by. As for do not judge I have already addressed it here . What Prophetess Bev is doing in not a manifestation of God’s power, and she has fooled many into thinking so, ONLY because many do not have a love for the truth and would rather watch a ‘magic show’ by the prophet/prophetess than read the bible. And thus many peoples faith is shipwrecked because its based on ‘signs & powers’ and not from the word of God. I wish you well in studying the bible.

    • I am not against them only against the falsehoods they preach leading to the shipwrecking of the faith of many. Teaching hocus pocus as the word of God. They will be called out. But we have been given a choice, to either follow them or not. We have also been given a mandate to call out false teachers. No one is immune. What do you think the noble Bereans would have done – when the went to check “to see if what Paul was teaching was true”– if they had found it to be false? They would have called him out.

  19. vanhu ingodzikamai not kutitukira maporofita….dzungu too much nechi newspaper chenyu chakaora. There is no other man of God like Prophet angel. kurai musiye dzungu

  20. funny enough, on instinct i refused to attend any of their services when they came back from UK. At first i asked myself why tghey came back soon after dollarisation especially when they had found out ther :partber in crime” Emmanuel was minting it after the Zimbabwean economy got dollarised!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Prophet Angel and Prophetess Beverly Angel are great man and woman of a god if you have nothing good spot say about them simple suffer in silence. After all it is the duty of small people to talk about big people.

    • Hi Angelica, Firstly I hope you actually read the post and thought about the statements made by the prophetess and reconciled them with the word of God.

      The word of God does not expect us to ‘suffer in silence’ when people are clearly teaching heresy. It is the duty of every christian to test the spirits, and to call out false teachers.

      Take some time to read 2 Peter 2 the whole chapter

      II Timothy 2:17: And their word will eat as does a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; II Timothy 2:18: Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
      This is exactly what our new age prophets are doing, and as Paul did not ‘suffer in silence’, but named those whore were teaching error.

      • Just read ur post about the servants of God, i dont see nothingwrong in their statements, nothing unbliblical or let me say nothing opposed by bible teaching. Please can you point out one thing that is opposed by the bible and quote the verse tht opposes that point out of ur 20 points, please.
        SD, East London, south africa.

        • Hi Deli
          Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. It scares me that you do not see anything ‘unbiblical or opposed by biblical teaching’ in these statements. You can justify almost anything in the bible if you miss one integral aspect of bible study and interpretation which is context. I put it to you Deli, quote the verse that confirms any of these quotes then I will take it from there.

          In the meantime I will give you these verses though which take care of probably half the list;
          II Peter 2:1-3: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious (having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way) ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not.

          1. ” the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” Because of a list like the one above the truth has been spoken evil of, and these ‘prophets’ have no conscience ‘having their conscience seared with a hot iron’.

          2. ” And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you”. Do not covet, but be content. Because of your covetousness – ‘I want to be be short, richer, lighter (in desiring these things you are obviously comparing with someone else) etc’ `– these prophets are making merchandise of you.

      • They are about to be exposed for what they are. I saw things about these 2 first hand a few years back. But their followers are too desperate and blind so in all things of darkness will come to light. We are close now.

  22. Prophet Angel and Prophetess Beverly Angel are great man and woman of a god if you have nothing good spot say about them simple suffer in silence. After all it is the duty of small people to talk about big people.

    • Hi Angelica, Firstly I hope you actually read the post and thought about the statements made by the prophetess and reconciled them with the word of God.

      The word of God does not expect us to ‘suffer in silence’ when people are clearly teaching heresy. It is the duty of every christian to test the spirits, and to call out false teachers.

      Take some time to read 2 Peter 2 the whole chapter

      II Timothy 2:17: And their word will eat as does a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; II Timothy 2:18: Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
      This is exactly what our new age prophets are doing, and as Paul did not ‘suffer in silence’, but named those whore were teaching error.

      • They are about to be exposed for what they are. I saw things about these 2 first hand a few years back. But their followers are too desperate and blind so in all things of darkness will come to light. We are close now.

        • Were you part of the church or just an observer?

          II Timothy 3:8-9 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
          But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest to all men, as their’s also was.

          • I was going to the church while living with an aunty for a short time. She had become close to a senior pastor & his wife. They would visit the house & that is when I heard all sorts. Even my aunt stopped attending. Funny enough when I first saw him I felt he was a con man within myself. So initially thought I’d got it wrong. My aunt was disappointed & left when she discovered truths. A ministry based on lies, gathering Intel on people, a randy conman who has studied mind techniques/control/ hypnosis, peer pressure of people in large groups, desperate population due to the economic situation, long periods of worship music getting people emotional followed by very little preaching with lots of so called prophecy. Saying to someone its well, its done, its your year to them they get tearful sob etc. No different to modern day magicians & motivational speakers. No talk about sin, righteous living just God wants to make you rich, happy, rich etc. Much emphasis on material wealth. Pushing seeds, partnership fees paid monthly which determine where you sit in the church. The more you pay the closer you sit to the front. Those paying thousands a month get his mobile no to call him anytime. That’s on top of tithes & offerings. Then there are the collections for his n her birthdays. Imagine being bought a new range rover by proceeds? You really couldn’t make it up. I’m surprised they got away with it. There are other methods they used to get Intel on people but I can’t mention here I can email you if you need to know.

      • Just read ur post about the servants of God, i dont see nothingwrong in their statements, nothing unbliblical or let me say nothing opposed by bible teaching. Please can you point out one thing that is opposed by the bible and quote the verse tht opposes that point out of ur 20 points, please.
        SD, East London, south africa.

        • Hi Deli
          Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. It scares me that you do not see anything ‘unbiblical or opposed by biblical teaching’ in these statements. You can justify almost anything in the bible if you miss one integral aspect of bible study and interpretation which is context. I put it to you Deli, quote the verse that confirms any of these quotes then I will take it from there.

          In the meantime I will give you these verses though which take care of probably half the list;
          II Peter 2:1-3: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious (having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way) ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not.

          1. ” the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” Because of a list like the one above the truth has been spoken evil of, and these ‘prophets’ have no conscience ‘having their conscience seared with a hot iron’.

          2. ” And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you”. Do not covet, but be content. Because of your covetousness – ‘I want to be be short, richer, lighter (in desiring these things you are obviously comparing with someone else) etc’ `– these prophets are making merchandise of you.

  23. vanhu ingodzikamai not kutitukira maporofita….dzungu too much nechi newspaper chenyu chakaora. There is no other man of God like Prophet angel. kurai musiye dzungu

  24. funny enough, on instinct i refused to attend any of their services when they came back from UK. At first i asked myself why tghey came back soon after dollarisation especially when they had found out ther :partber in crime” Emmanuel was minting it after the Zimbabwean economy got dollarised!!!!!!!!!!

  25. As Jesus said john 14:11 “believe because of the works themselves”. I feel like all they are saying and proclaiming, and all that they are accomplishing bears good fruit to the Lord. They glorify God! You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit just from watching their videos. As the Lord said we need to look to their fruit. If it bears good fruit then the tree that bears the fruit Must be good also. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Its clear to see that they bear much good fruit for the Kingdom of God.

    • At the end of the day it will never be about how we feel about what they say or proclaim but if it is consistent with the gospel and the scriptures. That’s exactly why we don’t believe them because there are NO works being done here just a deception of smoke and mirrors.

  26. Might I dare ask if you had audience with the very one you have assassinated and dragged naked before the public court of ridicule? Have you considered using your well scribed inventory list of accusations and used them as your personal research to best serve YOU as YOU sat and personally inquired of the One you have assassinate before the public. Your research would be best served if you put forth your DENIED letter of access to personally gain insight into this “newsworthy” display of black on black crime. I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused. Is this possible? You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice: just based on your unexplained fueled hate of this people or perhaps Christians or the display of your deeper child-hood unsettled demons, which you now get to parade through the assassination of another. Show character and true dialog by gaining access to the accused and thereafter bringing your fact-finding before the lynch mob of public ridicule and ill-gotten gain of self promotion of YOU.

    • Hi Omar I am having a hard time understanding everything you have written, but from what I have understood I will say this;

      1. Did I have audience, no I didn’t and based on history I know that wont be forth coming, that is the nature of all the new prophets, they are not accountable to anyone and don’t respond . Their own members in their congregation are not granted an audience with their leaders. Their leaders are not even accountable to their flock. Go to any youtube video by Spirit Embassy (The church founded by Eubert & Beverly Angel) and you will see this statement “Comments are disabled for this video.” By doing this they are saying they can say whatever they like in the name of God and not have anyone question them, why would you think this is the case?

      2. This is not a ‘list of accusations’ as you state but a list of quotations directly from the mouth of Beverly. I put it to you to make your own conclusion “Go through the list and make up your own mind if these are truly men & women of God or Charlatans.”

      3. “I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused.” You clearly have no idea who these people are. You can send them this link and put it to their attention and if they fee they need to refute it and set the record straight especially for the sake of their followers then that would be cool.

      4. “You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice” exactly what they do when they preach heresy on a video and don’t allow comments from people who have realised they were duped, or from discerning readers of the word who will call them out as fakes. Besides this is not a one sided perspective. Take whats on this list and put it up against scripture and see if it stands. The reason we are eve having this discussion is because people just want to be spoon fed and don’t want to make any personal study or enquiry for themselves, yet their lives depend on it.

      II Timothy 2:15: Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  27. scary thing is how people are quick to defend them, so cultist. You are right Zimbabweans are like reeds in the wind, there are some amoung us who are not afraid to exploit this tendency to their own benefit be it politicians, so called “people of God” or people from other countries. Kuvata kwacho ndekwemhando yepamusoro soro. You would be suprised what some of us believe in. Media should wake this people up

  28. Might I dare ask if you had audience with the very one you have assassinated and dragged naked before the public court of ridicule? Have you considered using your well scribed inventory list of accusations and used them as your personal research to best serve YOU as YOU sat and personally inquired of the One you have assassinate before the public. Your research would be best served if you put forth your DENIED letter of access to personally gain insight into this “newsworthy” display of black on black crime. I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused. Is this possible? You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice: just based on your unexplained fueled hate of this people or perhaps Christians or the display of your deeper child-hood unsettled demons, which you now get to parade through the assassination of another. Show character and true dialog by gaining access to the accused and thereafter bringing your fact-finding before the lynch mob of public ridicule and ill-gotten gain of self promotion of YOU.

    • Hi Omar I am having a hard time understanding everything you have written, but from what I have understood I will say this;

      1. Did I have audience, no I didn’t and based on history I know that wont be forth coming, that is the nature of all the new prophets, they are not accountable to anyone and don’t respond . Their own members in their congregation are not granted an audience with their leaders. Their leaders are not even accountable to their flock. Go to any youtube video by Spirit Embassy (The church founded by Eubert & Beverly Angel) and you will see this statement “Comments are disabled for this video.” By doing this they are saying they can say whatever they like in the name of God and not have anyone question them, why would you think this is the case?

      2. This is not a ‘list of accusations’ as you state but a list of quotations directly from the mouth of Beverly. I put it to you to make your own conclusion “Go through the list and make up your own mind if these are truly men & women of God or Charlatans.”

      3. “I would appreciate a follow up to this assault by an interview with the accused.” You clearly have no idea who these people are. You can send them this link and put it to their attention and if they fee they need to refute it and set the record straight especially for the sake of their followers then that would be cool.

      4. “You leave the reader with a one-sided perspective that serves best as a lynching without justice” exactly what they do when they preach heresy on a video and don’t allow comments from people who have realised they were duped, or from discerning readers of the word who will call them out as fakes. Besides this is not a one sided perspective. Take whats on this list and put it up against scripture and see if it stands. The reason we are eve having this discussion is because people just want to be spoon fed and don’t want to make any personal study or enquiry for themselves, yet their lives depend on it.

      II Timothy 2:15: Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


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